Brazilian Economy

Summary the Brazilian Economy in Forced March Antonio Barros de Castro and Francisco Eduardo Saucers of Souza Rio De Janeiro, Peace and Land, 1985 the book ' ' The Brazilian Economy in Forada&#039 March; ' it is composed in three chapters, of which to be it about the first one, that it tells ' ' Adjustment x Transformation? The Brazilian economy of 1974 1984' ' , in which the author Antonio Barros de Castro emphasizes the structural transformation that Brazil suffered to face the resultant problems of the high growth and of the great volume of importation that took the economy to the collapse. In the year of 1982, Brazil arrived at the height of a crisis that if drew since the crisis of ' ' Miracle econmico' ' , in 1974, in which the raw material necessity, oil and machines went beyond the capacity to matter. After the second half of the decade of 70, if of a side had the sped up growth and the necessity to import each time more, of another one Brazil went accumulating problems, that had resulted in the external indebtedness, deficit in the Trade balance and negative balance in international the liquid reserves. In this manner, it enters the years of 1983-1984, the country needed to find ways to revert this picture and to consolidate itself thus in the external market and, one of the main adopted measures was to contain the importations, that enter the years of 82 and 84, presented a considerable fall of 33%. To the violent fall in the importations, one adds other measures adopted for the government, as the containment of dficits public by means of the rise of the tax burden, restriction to the bank credit, changes in the wage politics and still high in the prices of oil derivatives, that together with raw materials, in 1982 represented 78% of the importations. .