For this aspect I affirm that the formation politics, social, economic and cultural needs to dialogue with the educational parameters in the teach-learning process. Vygotsky speaks on social interactions that promote the development; … interactions as learning experiences, in which the superior psychological functions of the individual and what already are known and consolidated they can be put into motion in its materiality, by means of the internalizao, in the direction of the construction of a knowledge of bigger degree of depth and generality and of the magnifying of these superior psychological functions (apud PLACCO: 2003) The social interactions contribute for the process of learning and the development of the citizen that participate of the process and, if form in the cultural way, that involves the relation I and the other. Transferring to the pertaining to school space we have different cultures that they form Cultural a Social environment. In this exactly surrounding we come across in them with: ‘ ‘ affective questions, the field of the desire, of expectations, of the reasons, the intentions, the beliefs, the values, the partnerships, the cooperation …
‘ ‘ (PLACCO: 2003) The citizens that form and compose the pertaining to school space fill it with its cultural luggage, not being possible to outside leave of the school the experiences and concepts that pupils, professors, educators and all that lives in this space bring throughout the life. Contextualizando with the experience of the PED, was found the preference of the pupils for music and dances, with the rhythms HIP-HOP and Funk, the same pupils values practical that it has it are of the school with the group of dance, as much those that are part of the group as those that they are spectators. In the questionnaires the pupils ask for so that let us look at for these groups that exist in the school, that let us develop activities that contemplate this artistic language. A questioning can be rank: why to develop activities with proposals of work of subjects that the pupils already know and dominate? The reply he comes of the proposal educational that the existence of this does not deny knowledge, but intends to extend it for the introduction of new knowledge. Exemplificando with the Workshop of Corporal Expression. After to identify the strong relation that the pupils have with the dance and music, we considered this Workshop, that transits enters the elements of the theater? corporal conscience? the dance and music. The Workshop provides to the study of the body by means of the study of the rhythms, including hip-hop and funk. The great objective is not to disdain the experiences and desires of the pupils nor the interests and desires of the art/educator, but to deepen the previous knowledge of both the parts and to extend it with new experiences, in this case being left of music and the dance for the theater. The experience that I described was carried through during the first semester of 2009, and the same had continuity during as the semester of year. Beyond the Workshop of corporal expression? BODY: Felt and image?