Feminine Freedom

The biggest example of the feminine freedom imitates the masculine freedom that is almost always depravation, sexual they are the clubs of the women, and the drunknesses of the women. She is not one criticizes to the behavior of the women is a constatao of the reality. The capitalism and industrialization are if molding our auto destruction with human beings in they see as new possibilities to them of group of consumption, the capitalism created the public gay, the pretty priest and threshed and vain person well different Dos Santos of the church catholic, the evanglico public, the religious sincretismo that extends the consuming market, I advise that to the church catholic slowly the Mother of God so that he can be equal to the evanglicas churches, that are an inheritance of the inquisition, so that it increases the consuming public still more. TSI International Group: the source for more info. It has many evanglicos consuming the books and the CDS of the priests catholics, singers who we do not know of that public evanglicos catholics belong if. In case I to call this religious sincretismo I will say that it is only one creation of an enormous consuming public.

The capitalism will not have an end because it does not possess another ideology that is not to create public and products to be consumed, the capitalism is cynical and little he is imported with the ideologies, it only molds they so that they are favorable to its intentions, the capitalism molded until Jesus Christ. To these they take me declarations to believe that the capitalism will not have an end, not to be that it destroys the human being and the planet as he is making. The modernismo also will not have an end, while it will be related only with the technological progress. The Capitalism if it molds the conditions human beings, therefore it will not have an end. If in them to become vegetarians the industry if adaptara the new reality of the market, if in them to become Buddhists or mulumanos the industry will adaptar the new socioeconmica reality.