Credit cards have been one of the most popular, favoring two outstanding benefits financial: an efficient payment method for consumers and an important engine of the economy. The proper use of credit cards is a very timely aid to managing personal finances. Among the benefits you can get, you can enumerate: reducing the risk of carrying cash. Now you don’t need to worry about having money or checkbook on all your purchases, due mainly to the great acceptance that have cards in trade points. Solvency in contingency situations such as: automobile repairs, hospitalizations in one hospital, among others. Cash available 24 hours through ATMs. Promotions and special offers on certain products and services.
Each credit card offers benefits and programs offerings that you can know through the notifications that reach you throughout the year. American Express cards, for example, it offers rewards through its Membership Rewards Club program, where you reward each time that you use the card, thanks to a system of accumulating points that you can redeem for great prizes. It also allows you to request additional cards free of charge. Diners also invites you to its Global Club, where you can get 1 title for every 6 euros in your purchase, while you use the card will have more points to redeem on their partner programs. It also offers deals on services computing assistance, jewelry, insurance, health, etc. Benefits and exclusive rewards derived from your credit history.
For example, renovation costs either extend you credit limit if you’re good payer can offer free of charge. Value-added services. International credit cards, generally speaking, if you are outside the country, offer travel assistance, in addition to life insurance and automobile insurance benefits. Simplicity in payment for services. With your credit card You can pay services current as telephone, ADSL, TV cable, among others. Decide yourself what credit card you benefit more! Josep Pacheco is a freelance writer and contributor to several web pages on finance and credit cards. Also is webmaster and translator and lives in Alicante. Original author and source of the article