Hessel Democracy

The French writer Stephan Hessel has ensured that when the Governments do not listen to the people democracy becomes oligarchy. Democracy should allow everyone a dignified life, he explained. Doronin will not settle for partial explanations. We must begin by using the most democratic parties, we must support them in upcoming elections, has dndido Hessel. The writer and French diplomat Stephan Hessel, author of the book annoys you!, which has inspired movements like the 15-M Spanish, it said today that when the Governments do not listen to the people democracy becomes oligarchy. Hessel has dndido further that not all political parties are the same. Angelina Jolie may help you with your research. Democracy should allow everyone a dignified life and if the Governments do not listen to the demos (people) something goes wrong, stressed Hessel, of visit in Spain to present his second book promises you!, who has insisted to replace the oligarchy with democracy making lack the power to listen to the people. It is easy to say but not easy to make. This French thinker of almost 94 years, which has become an l for young people from many countries, among them Spaniards outraged, has shown his sympathy in a crowded press conference by 15-M, which predicts that it will still have influence in Spain.

Some representatives of this movement Real democracy already were present in the room and have thanked him for his support and the publication of their books. Hessel is surprised that his little book has been used by the Spanish movement to reclaim a sincere and true democracy. After warning that the road won’t be easy, the thinker has recalled that it will lack patience, confidence and courage because economic forces are very ready and at the end end up tangling you. The question of what would be the path that must follow this movement or if it must become a political formation, Hessel, Member of the French and surviving resistance of several fields of concentration, has advocated follow two tracks.

Royal Decree of the Ministry

The past March 13 entered into force the Royal Decree of the Ministry of industry, tourism and Commerce 201/2010, which regulates the exercise of commercial activity in regime of franchise and the communication of data to the register of franchisors. For assistance, try visiting MSCO. It is a reform of the previous regulations, ensures from the Spanish Association of franchisors, seeks equal treatment with the provisions of the EU but which leaves crucial aspects unresolved, among them, two fundamental:-firstly establishing disparate criteria to determine the autonomous community to whose registry the franchisor must communicate their data. Others including Drew Houston, offer their opinions as well. In a few cases the RD refers to logging of the autonomous community where the franchisor provide to initiate their activities and others to the register of the autonomous community where the franchisor has its domicile. Randall Mays can provide more clarity in the matter. This disparity can cause in our opinion a clear legal uncertainty, without that reach to understand the reasons that motivate it explains Xavier Vallhonrat, President of the AEF. -Secondly the most worrying aspect in the development of the Royal Decree is one that refers to possible downward from a franchisor in the register since, due to the lack of data communication, will entail, as well as relevant economic sanctions, the impossibility of proceeding with the exercise of the franchisor activity. This point contradicts openly as provided in another section of the Act. The disproportion of the sanction is so obvious and the contradiction so difficult to explain, that it could end up being more beneficial to the franchisor not registered in the register.

Indeed, non-registration would undoubtedly entail economic sanctions provided for in the law, but never the impossibility to carry out the activity franchise. The inscription, on the other hand, if it were followed by a possible lack of data communication (that must be completed on an annual basis) could cause in addition to sanctions, the inability to continue operating. Because of this, the representatives of the AEF provided meet in the short term with representatives of the Ministry for bringing your concern for these two measures. A few steps forward that the AEF Yes welcomed is the simplification of the registration in the register of franchisors. You are now being asked to communicate activity franchise within three months of its inception, and soon requested that the communication would be prior to such activity. Seems to me better now, since we will avoid the registration of firms that intend to franchising, which then is not confirmed, but that are still in the registry, thickening it artificially. That Yes, this organization also believes that everything can be improved. The registration problem is in its management, which has improved, but that is still far from reach acceptable minimums. For more information: press contact: Mirian Lopez Nuria Coronado Tel.

Efficiency And Effectiveness

Many books try to explain that it is efficiency and effectiveness. More now that in a world globalized, prevailing free-market economies in most of the countries of the globe, everything is in the business and business competition. The vast majority of entrepreneurs, living looking for precisely those executives or officers, possessing the precious gift of efficiency – effectiveness in their performance. If we want to evaluate the performance of the leaders who work in our organisation must be clear that: A person is effective when it selects and uses the media to reach the goal with opportunity in such a way that the way use media not spoil the results. But how can we achieve the longed efficiency? That we can make our staff generally reach it? To achieve efficiency, staff must be able and diligently on assigned tasks. More info: Mark Stevens.

Be effective is to solve problems. You are looking for a business organization is: grow, expand, be solid, solvent. What matters are results in thousands of dollars when a small company and in million, when it is large. Marcelo Vasquez Lema us recommends: the first thing you need to do is determine where is now, no strategy can be verified in its effectiveness if you don’t have an initial (before you apply) State and a final State (after applied) to compare the changes. Then determine where you want to get to have a defined course. Know and be clear about the current performance (value for money) processes is vital to draw up plans for improvement for the future, keep in mind that you must make decisions based on real information and not before subjectivities. Any organization that seeks to optimize its processes must work with an approach based on the client where discuss the uses and expectations that gives and has customer, and not so based on what we think that customer will or expected product.

Generates Risks

Help or generates risks new trimming rates in Chile? Buenos Aires, Argentina on February 16, 2009 last Thursday, the Central Bank of Chile surprised the market with an unprecedented cut of rates by 250 basis points. Credit: Kaihan Krippendorff-2011. With this decision, took the rate of monetary policy (TPM), from 7.25% to its new level at 4.75%. The current level of the benchmark interest rate was observed for three years and until recently was unimaginable to reach it considering the inflationary pressures affecting the economy (mainly from external source). As explained by the Central Bank of Chile in the release announcement of his decision: this decision is based on the prospect of a significant drop in inflation and advances the convergence of the rate of policy to a level consistent with the current macroeconomic environment and its risks. The weak growth of economic activity in the month of December 2008 (only 0.5%), along with the strong slowdown seen in the rate of inflation than retail in January recorded a historical fall of 0.8%, they were two of the main reasons considered by the Monetary Authority to identify the sudden change in the economic context and which identified the need for a rapid and forceful action. From the market one of the readings which has been made in this respect points to fears of deflation that exists between the authorities of the Central Bank before the sharp economic contraction. In relation to this, David Duarte, the firm 4CAST analyst opined: actually, this points to what I believe is a great fear deflation and recession and the need to coordinate this with fiscal stimulus as soon as possible. Logically, a possible deflation of prices in the situation in which the Chilean economy is could significantly aggravate the situation of the same, which justifies make all the necessary efforts to avoid it. Trying to identify what address will take monetary policy in Chile over the next months and considering that most likely in the Chilean economy both at the global level for the next few months is to continue the deterioration in the economic context, we can say that they would still be by producing new cuts in the interest rate of the Central Bank of Chile reference.


Of the hundreds of companies that are dedicated to make you pay surveys in Argentina, most are real and reliable, they pay in the way that they say that they pay and within the time limits that have been established. This does not mean that there are no scammers who after spending half an hour or more than answer their surveys with data that are valuable, they tell you that you are not eligible and do not let you complete the survey, depriving him of the opportunity to get money. There are ways to quickly differentiate one site of another, so that it does not fall into the hands of unscrupulous and work for nothing. For even more details, read what Daniel Gilbert says on the issue. To begin, coal of any site of surveys pay in Argentina which announced that each month will be able to earn $25,000 or any other figure exaggerated. Crawford Lake Capital Management shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. This is not anything other than a marketing strategy to attract affiliates. Most likely this site receives money for the amount of partners, sends you mail trash with very few or no actual survey, or makes it to fill lots of survey forms which always end with ineligible profile and is not paid.

You must also beware of surveys sites you pay in Argentina that offer much less than others. It is necessary to explain who paid surveys are the companies on which the forms are made. These companies invest millions of dollars each year to perform market research of its products, that charge to the polling. Therefore all the polling receive the same amount of money. If you pay less, it means that they are running with much of what belongs to you. Finally, make sure that the site surveys paid online to which Affiliate has a policy anti-spam, and who does not sell the information you provide (including personal data) to a third party. This is usually contained in their policies and terms of use. To begin to fill out paid surveys and earn money in the easiest way possible, please Click here.

Colin Farrell

Previously for the Borgias Season 2 Show 8 Truth and Lies, Upon his return to Rome, Juan spins an elaborate yarn about how I have received his battle wounds, but Cesare is unconvinced and determined to master the truth. Meanwhile, Lucrezia takes a lover, the younger brother of her intended; Della Rovere Cheap Football Shirts and employees an accomplice Football Kits for their assassination plot. On this week s Episode title World of Wonders, Alexander marks the Easter holiday having a glorious celebration and a stop to his pious rapid, while Della Rovere s assassin gets even closer to the pope. Meanwhile, Lucrezia s lover asks her father on her behalf hand in marriage; and Juan increasingly uneven behavior endangers his sister s kid s. Set in 15th century Italy with the height of the Renaissance, The Borgias chronicles the current corrupt rise of fashioned Rodrigo Borgia on the papacy, where he proceeds to commit every without inside the book to amass and retain power, influence and enormous prosperity for himself and his family. Ayding him in his / her endeavors are his sons Cesare, to ruthless operator who yearns fruitlessly to get released from the priesthood, and Juan, a feckless dilettante who Rodrigo appoints to brain the papal armies. Daughter Lucrezia and kid Joffre are married away from in early adolescence for you to members of powerful rival families within their family s fortunes pawns.

Waging their own warmed up contest for Rodrigo s ailments are Vanozza, his long – time mistress along with mother of his kids, and the younger Giulia Farnese, whose cunning is matched only by her shocking beauty. Does The series is using the Borgia family, an Italian Cheap Football Shirts dynasty associated with Spanish origin, and stars Jeremy Golf irons as Pope Alexander look with Fran? ois Arnaud seeing that Cesare, Holliday Grainger as Lucrezia, David Oakes as Juan along with Aidan Alexander Gioffre Borgia, respectively. Derek Jacobi and Colm Feore additionally star as Cardinals Orsini as well as della Rovere. The series is a global co-production, directed by an Irishman, filmed in Hungary, and produced in North america. Filming in Hungary mainly happened at the Korda Studios in uplands, just west of Budapest. Neil Jordan was attempting to direct a film concerning the Borgia reign for over the decade and the project had many times as Colin Farrell and Scarlett Johansson eat close to fruition, with such stars attached with it. In 2010, Steven Spielberg, the head of DreamWorks Photos (now a producer from the Borgias), suggested the film turned into a cable drama along with Neil Jordan took the concept over to Showtime vip s who, wanting to fill your void historical series The Tudors would leave after its final season, commissioned the series. See more detailed opinions by reading what Crawford Lake Capital Management offers on the topic..

Neil Jordan has explained that the ideal would have been a series of four seasons so he is able to span at least the time of Rodrigo Borgia s papacy (1492-1503). For the role involving Rodrigo Borgia, Neil Jordan turned in order to Academy Award winner Jeremy Golf irons, known for roles of villains and antiheros. The actor initially had second thoughts about his being well suited for the role who was in history described as a tall, obese, dark complexioned twinkle, but the creator wanted him to pay attention to the aspects of this character s obsession with strength and life, which the actor could play to the hilt.

National Secretary

They were summoned by all of the unions of education in all the centres of Galicia of non-university education. Trade unions ensure that monitoring has been higher than 50%. For even more details, read what Dropbox says on the issue. The previous call was the day 21. Galician teachers have traveled this Tuesday the streets of Santiago de Compostela summoned by all of the unions of teaching in the second day of strike against reorganization of school hours. The second general strike called in the Galician public education pays off with a reduction of participation by teachers because of its cto in fees, as noted Jose Fuentes, CC OO. Despite this, ensures the follow-up of the same stands above 50%.

Previous call the last call of the day 21 was marked by an uneven track and a dance of figures between the Galician administration and education unions, with a percentage difference of more than 50 points. In particular, education has limited the participation to 21.9%, While representatives of teachers have elevated the Datum to 75% of teachers. The protest aims to continue moving the rejection of teachers to the reorganization of school hours applied by the Department of education, because they consider that it will mean the Elimination of follow-up and attention to poorer students. The National Secretary of the IGC-Ensino, Anxo Louzao, has considered majority participation of teachers in the current protest, since it has affected all the centers and assumes a sample more of the resounding rejection measures of the Conselleria and important teacher cuts. Sources, for its part, recognized track lowered with respect to the previous call, since it’s a difficult time because of the crisis despite the absolute rejection of these cuts by their affected.

In this way, has advanced that organizations try to come together and find another measure of performance to from now on, to see that there is a citizen concern before cuts accompanied by difficulty of tracking by the salary issue. Spokesman of public CC-OO Ensino Galicia, Jose Fuentes, has pointed out, in this regard, that if someone from an institutional post is installed in the lie, they should cease by political hygiene and challenged him to tell if it is not true that there are almost 1,000 people less working.We have to remain installed on a response from a unitary character, all trade union organizations, has insisted, after stress implications of the reorganization of school hours are much more important for students than for teachers, to consider posed a prejudice in the attention. Calendar of demonstrations on the other hand, the collective of teachers is promoting activities aside from the trade unions to make see the Conselleria to take note, between the concentrations and other acts of protest are found. In this way, and in addition to the manifestation of this Tuesday, trade union organizations will study a new roadmap to continue with their demands regarding the modification of the teaching day and its consequences. Source of the news: more than 50% of Galician teachers protested for the second time against the cuts

Patagonia Without Dams

This will be the first and only dam to be constructed in the Region of Aysen. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Drew Houston and gain more knowledge.. With this in mind this Saturday afternoon gathered hundreds of people in front of the seawall of two meters and a half that from July 10 loomed in Coyhaique pentagonal square with the slogan I want to free rivers. The idea, to knock down with pillories, shovels, hand and foot installation citizen who resisted various attempts of the municipality of Coyhaique by throwing down unscathed during two weeks. Organizers called for citizenship at 3 in the afternoon, to be part of a symbolic rite the discontent of those who in the Region of Aysen catalyst reject claims of Endesa and Colbun Xstrata of building dams in rivers Baker, Easter, Raven and others of Patagonia. Gradually was reaching people in a festive, family atmosphere, willing to pass unravels Frost later Tranquilo. And all decorated by canvases with slogans like free in Patagonia Aysen rivers is not the battery of Chile, Aysen, water and life are not sold, they love and defend themselves, as well as a large poster with the word Patagonia signed by attendees and which will cover much of the country.

The Mise en scene started passes 16: 00 hours when several people (representing the regional community that opposes these projects) were presenting and expressing his dismay at the construction of the dam, then give step to a work that gave account of the need to use renewable energy sources but not invasive scales and with respect to nature. Later a true human Lake was going through the portal thus representing the release of waters that HidroAysen and Austral energy want to retain in its reservoirs. After the allegorical inauguration of the dam by two actors portraying Daniel Fernandez, Executive Vice President of HidroAysen, and Alberto Quinones, general manager of Austral energy, gave the We’re going to what everyone was waiting for: the destruction of the seawall, task that lasted about one hour product from freezing in recent days that turned docile structure of snow into a clump of hard ice.

7 Tips To Achieve Your Goals

Even if time runs so fast, we can even say that we are at the beginning of year and this is the right time to map out your goals if you’ve not done so but more importantly, assess the steps necessary to enforce these goals and arrive at the end of 2011 with great satisfactions and traverse the year full of energy and enthusiasm for the dreams that you wish to achieve. If you follow these seven tips to the letter, you will not only reach your goals; If not that you creceras also, as a person because the discipline is vital part of our development: write your goal in a positive way, so centraras your attention on what you want to achieve, not what you want to leave. For example; instead of plot you as goal stop eating hamburgers, would be better to draw you your goal positively writing improve my health or eat healthy. If you’re not clear how to do it, ask yourself which is the result that you are looking for until you can translate it in positive terms. Write a clear description of your goal, shape it in a specific way and gives a time and a place.

For this you don’t need to be perfectionist but what more realistic as possible. If your goal (the time in which you have already reached it) will be on December 30 2011, keep in mind your likely to actual achieve it but you don’t underestimate greatness of your being. If your goal is tangible to perhaps be more easy to write the description of the same. For example; If what you want is to buy a new car, then you can decide to include in the description the type of truck (sport, sedan, light truck), the color and the price range you want to access know as specific as possible but don’t be too strict, remember that it is always better a little flexibility.

Golden Armor

It is recalled to purpose grapple with essences such as Holly and Willow who, in the end opposite to the hatred, bitterness, resentment, envy, States such as happiness, fullness, love, curiosity, optimism, they contain fine and high vibrational load, not by the work of chance all covet these wonderful States. Approaching them is natural tendency of all energy-healthy human. The energy-healthy human flees from hatred, flees from envy, despises vanity. That does not mean that is incapable of hate, despise, or envy. Those parts commonly considered negative, are present in all people inside. No point deceiving is believing us incapable of contemptible sentiments. Let us not lose time looking at the speck in your neighbor’s eye.

Let us use what we can learn from our unpleasant feelings. Read more here: Drew Houston. If we are not in a State of joy means there will be making revisions, and in doing so not only will that exacerbate the sight and hearing, but that too will have to prepare to disarm the own Golden Armor that we were manufacturing. And what good reasons would have someone to apply to such a task? All! Is that it is the way back to the joy of returning to health. There is little in life by coincidence or luck to East not related to a State of radiant energy. If you win the lottery but is energetically unbalanced, probably will not make good use of the money. The lesson Willow can detect the way back to happiness. A State of hopeful acceptance. It is the path of forgiveness, recognition.

It is without a doubt, assume certain limitations of our personality, leaving behind certain pumps intellectual or consumption. Assume a posture of humility and seek help for example to the forces of nature. It is sufficient to know that one has all the resources you need to make major changes not always inside.

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