Social Service Condition

I learned that fragilizado in the question of the street inhabitant it is not only one weakened adjective of, weak, in this in case that and for poverty condition it represents more than what this, is the loss of auto-esteem, the housing, the job, of the professional qualification, among others. To try to search and to present an agreement of this population of street also means to search one better understanding for the advance in the combat of the social inaquality. I intend to extend the focus of vision on these citizens to make possible a look beyond the appearances with theoretician-historical and metodolgica appropriation, apprehending in the study the diverse forms of expression of the evolution of the diversified representations of these citizens. This research has for objective understands the norteadoras questions that cause the immobility, hindering the street inhabitant to leave this condition and to change its reality of life. This immobility must be inlaid in the factors that had determined the citizens of the research that they had thickened the world of the population of street with a mobility takes that it of a place to another one, but present only changes in its condition of life in the streets. The choice of the subject was stimulated by my performance in the condition of trainee of Social Service inside of the Municipal Shelter Jose Calherani, only equipment of the public net of the city that street population takes care of. Strengthening my interest in the subject I worked this comment in the attempt to search a possible agreement of this immobility for approach of the replies ace questions that as much had echoed in mine mind since infancy. In the listening of the population of street taken care of in the shelter I had contact with histories of surprising lives, that exactly counted of disordered forms brought a great wealth of contents, showing that the question is not simply restricted to the forms of absolute poverty hinder that them to abandon the habit of the streets.