Usually it happens that the scholastic failure in children appears like the accumulation of small failures that are acquiring an important dimension as they are oriented towards different matters. This it is translated in a rejection towards the school and everything what this means. Other causes of the scholastic failure nondue to the academic made difficult ones are: The necessity to draw attention thus to make sure an excellent place in the family. Usually it happens that the scholastic failure is a form to express the own problems, before the emotional conflicts takes place a blockade of the intellectual activity. The scholastic failure can be a form to attack the parents.
It can be a form to express the young one on his incapacity in relation to the level of studies. David Green often expresses his thoughts on the topic. How to avoid the failure: Spending time to him of quality to the boy, more than time in amount. The quality is in paying attention to the small calls on the part of the boy, in reinforcing when it must and punishing of suitable way. Of this form we are avoiding that the boy develops any strategy with a view to to obtain the attention that needs. Being kind to the mood of the boy, in case of noticing possible symptoms of depression or anxiety it is necessary to try to communicate with him, in case it does not make case we must go to a specialist so that it advises to us how to tolerate to us so that we do not make worse the situation. Asking to us what is what can be working bad between the relation father-son would clarify enough doubts to us and would allow us to make decisions. It is important to be pending of how the boy in the school goes, how he feels, what problems present/display.
In some schools, mainly in the consertados ones, a level to the children is demanded to them whom often the due one surpasses and who do not consider the individual needs of each. He observes how his son organizes itself, what schedule has, if to memorise the matter of correct form. When it finishes studying hgale small examinations to verify if it has really learned the lesson. A permanent contact with the school is due to maintain to verify that everything it finds in sequence in regarding the education of the boy. The scholastic failure since it has commented not only is a question of academic nature, with the attitude of the parents often it is possible to be arrived to detect and to avoid of precocious way.