The Two Brains

We know that the brain is divided into two hemispheres which are connected by the Corpus Callosum, which in turn, is made up of 300 million fibers of axons. Since the work of Sperry, Vogel and Boyen in 1960, has concluded that the two hemispheres are complementary and work together but with different functions. The left hemisphere is specialized in the translation of the perception of the environment (what our senses perceive) to logical representations. Among its functions is everything related to language (grammar, syntactic and semantic) and with structured on this basis thinking: reading, writing and calculation. Think of how methodical and linear (as if you were a robot without feelings), dealing with everything related to digital communication (that is transmitted through the symbols).

It categorizes and organizes the information that arrives, associated with what they have learned in the past and focuses on project it into the future. It represents our part rational, unitary, singularizando us as individuals. It is that says I, and from that moment, is separated and isolated from the rest of the people. Everything happens to be you, falling into the bipolar awareness (see the post the polarity and the shadow (I) and (II)). The right hemisphere is highly developed for perception and unitary understanding of complex assemblies, configurations and structures (an odor or a music for example, evokes the entire scene where that perception took place). Get understand the whole, based on one of its parts however small it may be. It is timeless, dealt with the present and thinks in images. It is connected to the whole. It is visual and creative, assumes risk and responds to the excitement. It has an archaic language that corresponds to a primitive arithmetic, but with a capacity extremely accurate to the direct perception of the sets (there are pastors that have only numerals, one, two or several; but are able to warn immediately and accurately, if lack them any animal in his herd).

The Reality

The captive in front of the wall is the situation of the soul for which the unique reality that exists is the shades projected in the wall. These shades are our life we conceived as it generally, our circumstances, physical body and everything what him it concerns, the people who surrounds to us not as much dear or, near or distant, the objects by which we surrounded and everything what we yearned for to have. There we lived in a world on illusion far from the authentic reality, we suffered and we are happy, we dreamed, we hated, we loved and we fear there. All the physical and psychic activity of this type of people (the immense majority) tour around the shades that stops they is unique existing. He is interesting to observe that, according to Plato, the shades that the captives see they come from the objects that other individuals load. These are not chained, nevertheless also are within the cavern and private of the Light, but they have a power on the prisoners, the power to make see the shades them of the objects and statues that they load, in such a way that only with changing from an object to another one, from a statue to another one, the chained ones will see different shades and will think so its life is different. In other words, this second group of individuals has the power of to project to the rest the reality that lives, to bring about reactions to them, feelings and thoughts by means of the suitable projections. Never the chained ones are going away to give account of the origin of the shades, we remember that the chains prevent them to turn the head and to see that there is behind them. The knowledge, the authentic light is not in the world that we perceived with our senses, there only are shades.