The Following

4.4) To connect! We go to output we give connect and ready! APPENDIX I Like him tenth to others like listening to our radio? When being our machine like servant, is only necessary to pass the Link to him that is going to listen, serious the following one: As extractions your direction IP? BEGINNING TO EXECUTE CMD In the window that will arrange tipeamos IPCONFIG and appears to us direction IP: In this case, the quedaria Link thus: Recorda to always put: 8000, good, entering this Link which is going to appear it is a page thus: Only there that to click in they list and winamp is going abrir it like a reproduction list, the VLC also raises and there other forms to it we are going that them to see in the following appendix. APPENDIX II more customized Forms to show our radio. If we decided to create our own Web so that they are connected to our radio, there are forms more interesting than this page that appears to us by default, we see as they are: DIRECT LINK: LINK MEDIA PLAYER: REPRODUCER IN FLASH: It is only necessary to copy this code in body of the page:. TODAY FROM THE 22:00 Where: it is the image that appears in center of the reproducer Just as the cases anteriore goes its IP FRIDAY TODAY FROM the 22:00 is only a commentary..

Brazilian Economy

Summary the Brazilian Economy in Forced March Antonio Barros de Castro and Francisco Eduardo Saucers of Souza Rio De Janeiro, Peace and Land, 1985 the book ' ' The Brazilian Economy in Forada&#039 March; ' it is composed in three chapters, of which to be it about the first one, that it tells ' ' Adjustment x Transformation? The Brazilian economy of 1974 1984' ' , in which the author Antonio Barros de Castro emphasizes the structural transformation that Brazil suffered to face the resultant problems of the high growth and of the great volume of importation that took the economy to the collapse. In the year of 1982, Brazil arrived at the height of a crisis that if drew since the crisis of ' ' Miracle econmico' ' , in 1974, in which the raw material necessity, oil and machines went beyond the capacity to matter. After the second half of the decade of 70, if of a side had the sped up growth and the necessity to import each time more, of another one Brazil went accumulating problems, that had resulted in the external indebtedness, deficit in the Trade balance and negative balance in international the liquid reserves. In this manner, it enters the years of 1983-1984, the country needed to find ways to revert this picture and to consolidate itself thus in the external market and, one of the main adopted measures was to contain the importations, that enter the years of 82 and 84, presented a considerable fall of 33%. To the violent fall in the importations, one adds other measures adopted for the government, as the containment of dficits public by means of the rise of the tax burden, restriction to the bank credit, changes in the wage politics and still high in the prices of oil derivatives, that together with raw materials, in 1982 represented 78% of the importations. .

Pension Allowance

And why did the military and their equal (such as federal government employees), even after 30 years of service, plan to charge 30% of the pension allowance, and not as the above officials – 95%? Another important point. The project is proposed to introduce a new monthly allowance for long service to monetary salary of servicemen. New supplements significantly reduced compared with current. The draft law does canceled bonuses for length of service from six months to one year and from one year to two years. Three times from 3% to 1% cut annual bonuses for length of service: 2 to 5 years – from 25% to 10% from 5 to 10 years – from 40% to 15% from 10 to 15 years – from 55% to 20% and so on. The maximum allowance for length of service offered at 40% instead of the current 70% for 25 years and more.

A certain art. 14 of the Federal Law 4468-1 from 12.02.93g. – 85% is not expected at all. The introduction of these changes will cause a backlash and military retirees, depriving the military of the stimulus in the future military service after 25 years of service. This attitude to the defenders of the homeland, but to discrimination, is difficult to call. According to Art. 5, paragraph 2 of the draft law remains the same unfair tiny widow’s pension of military pensioners. The draft law does not increase the size of monetary compensation for recovery of the soldier (military retiree) to a monthly allowance and 50% for spouse and each of the minor children, as provided for federal civil servants, who are also soldiers.

The draft law also does not provide for implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.06.2002 537 and Resolution Russian Government dated 26.6.2002 was establishing equal opportunities for all federal executive bodies, in which federal law provides for military service, salaries, according to standard military posts. Thus, this document contains several provisions that infringe the rights of military and military retirees. And reservists and retirees seek a petition to the highest officials to the president as the guarantor of the Constitution, with a request to take remedial measures. I’d like them all hope that the final version will implement instructions Dmitry Medvedev on “the development of the federal law of the revolutionary, radically changing the questions military pension. ” Gennady ROSTOV.


Del is very easy to spend more money than one had thought when it is to go away of vacations. To diminish costs and to have good vacations are not so difficult. We presented/displayed some ideas to you to save money during your vacations. " My cousin and I wanted to go to CITY to know people new and to disconnect a little. After planning the trip a little, we bought the flight by Internet and we made the reserve in a hotel. The weekend has been very funny, but when returning to house we realized which we had exceeded with the expenses (more than 500 Euros of the anticipated thing) for a trip to Barcelona for 2 personas".

L. Smith – Barcelona 2010 people really enjoys days to visit the famous Barcelona, vacations in a pretty beach or vacations full of adventure. The question is that often you return of " paraso" and you verify the excessive cost that you have done. Continuously people have the same difficulty. One of the next questions that one becomes is " Where it has been going to stop all that money? In what I have spent so much? ". It is not necessary to happen through that feeling of fault, since in fact good vacations and a cheap stay are totally compatible. Next I give some advice who can help. I work in a company that is dedicated exclusively to the rent of apartments in Barcelona, reason why know that the users always make commentaries of this style For east me was the moment for trying to write an article to give some advice to future clients of reserves and to present/display some ideas with the aim of that they can enjoy one travels perfect but economic. You know which are the fundamental elements for vacations? In synthesis, they are the lodging, the transport and the food.

Operational Improvement

In the words of Hector Acevedo, Manager of Soluciones de Servicios Latam and speaker at the 8th Conference of Pink Elephant, performs a curious translation of ITIL: ITIL: useless trying to implant to lashes for starters must mention acts of God there is no phrases as the system fell off is an example of this, acts that are out of our reach are so called. Most believe that it is very important for business, but by problems that have it already doesn’t help much business (this caused by the problems in information technology). So this not pass have to worry about aligning it in the business, achieve a good relationship between these two factors and keep them in constant operation, you have to help the business and for that we must think how can do you it. To ensure that our company has a good performance have Hit parade of the best practices: ITIL = Infrastructure library, has several volumes that consist of different books each volume Cobit: previously only used by auditors, now audits for it, it is now under the auspices of TI, has as main objective the control of computing and technology. COBIT is a process that contains planning and organization, organization and implementation. Delivery and support, and finally the monitoring.

ISO 27000: this fashion because that is the standard for ISO 20000 information security: is ITIL become standard for the management of services of TI PMBok: means and was created by the Project Management Institute Project Management Body of Knowledge is usually a standard on the management of projects. Displays the model in the frame of reference of Calder Moir hit extended parade of best practices. To implement each one of the points we have you set up a project that includes responses to does it have to meet?, what serves us best practices since we cannot take everything by expensive and impossible, and eventually create a SOA, which is a statement of applicability. Finally it must be take into account that it is crucial to involve all members of the company. Another step that should be covered are regulations that makes us, some of them are governmental, as the body public is another industry (PCI) and the self-imposed are adopted standards. The best operational and regulations come together.

Here a few tips for the best implementation of best practices: implementing it services. Avoid combining it and Cobit. If you add ISO27000 we will ensure the security of the information. COBIT is strong on metrics. ITIL is strong in processes. ISO27000 has controls focused on the security of the information. ISO27000, ITIL, and COBIT provide continuous improvement cycle. For good regulatory compliance: do not have to create separate processes. Just modify the SOA with our laws. Having a Government IT within the enterprise, providing the necessary global vision.