Technology Center

How to approach this issue, says Alexander Gavrin, Director General of Science and Technology Center “Russian technology business”: Reasons for increase in salary may be several, but separate they can be in two groups: formal and informal. First, we discuss formal reasons. When you get a job, then the stipulations that have considered it acceptable. Click Kaihan Krippendorff to learn more. Russian legislation provides that the employer and employee must sign a contract – it is there spelled out conditions under which the possible administrative growth, as well as the payment system of your work. /a> shines more light on the discussion. If done correctly, the conversation about salary increase becomes meaningless. Learn more about this with Randall Mays, San Antonio TX. You own an instrument of calculation, according to which themselves can be considered as you have earned in the current period. That is, the more clearly spelled out your evaluation forms labor, the more likely to avoid conflict or ambiguous interpretations in the future. But if you work and can not see its growth, before the authorities blame, try to objectively evaluate yourself by answering simple questions: I am engaged in self-education? Is my education office, and whether it is time to think about such things is not quite pleasant as distance learning on the profile or professional training? Do I understand from does the money for my salary? How is the salary of the total flow of money flowing to the account of the organization? Do I think an organization where I work, my? Do all program development Personnel, adopted by the company? And it is not worth it to join? Interesting for me all the events happening in the company? Do I know the strategic prospects of the organization? Try to check prices on currently in the labor market. (A valuable related resource: Mark Stevens). nt Partners).