If sometimes only one operation helps accident or illness of the horse. The treatment by the veterinarian can go in the money. The additional expenditure for the treatment of the animal be added to the monthly cost of the horse stance. The least horse enthusiasts are prepared for these unexpected costs. Kaihan Krippendorff has plenty of information regarding this issue. To decide whether the horse or not, be operated in such situations isn’t easy for many horse owners for financial reasons. Therefore, it is good to know that you can cover this risk.
What pays for this insurance? With the horses-OP-insurance is the keeper on the safe side. In the case of an accident or illness of the horse are up to 100% of the operation costs. Among other things, the amount of the refund depends on whether a contract for the Sociais or 2-fold set of the fees for animal doctors (GOT) was completed. Insurers that free can be compared, for example, under, do the horses-OP insurance with two choices are offered. The Insurer takes over: the operation costs the costs of the last day of examination before the operation costs for medicines and bandages that can follow-up treatment and prescribed medicines up to five days after the day of the operation every horse be insured? Basically, every horse can be assured, because there is no age limit. Some health questions in advance are common such as in a health insurance for the horse to be insured to answer.
There are, for example, birth defects, errors, or defects? Was the horse becomes ill ever? Also the address of the home veterinarian or the animal doctors so far is to provide for possible further inquiries. If the horse was ever sick, this does not mean that the animal is no longer cheap to insure. For pre-existing conditions is assessed in consultation with the veterinarian, whether these are cured without any consequences are to be expected.