Commercial University

One was the father Jose Spider, theologian, philosopher, sociologist and I do not know how many titles more, that knew to approach us a so hermetic thought for the young people of then as Karl Rahner turned out to be the one of the German, with his novel concept of the religion and of monk. Also, thanks to him, we knew of the existence of the paleontologist Teilhard de Chardin, with all a life pawned on demonstrating that the Darwins and the Bible were not incompatible absolutely. The other unique personage of those difficult years was Luis Bernaola, who piloted with iron hand the Commercial University of Deusto. That university, that so different and as unique people have left as Carlos Garaikoetxea, Emilio Ibarra, Joaquin Almunia, Alfredo Senz, Pedro Luis Uriarte and so many others, cannot be understood without Bernaola father. Person of debatable and energetic methods, understood that academic, personal, professional, vital the excellence, to sum up was a requirement sine qua non for all those submissive its trusteeship.

And to faith obtained that it. Without its convictions, its energy, its discipline and its certainty, I am sure that we had the opportunity to know him we would have gotten to be what we have been. I remain with that conclusion, when finalizing the fleeting evocation of some priests who, of one u another way, has influenced to me throughout the life. If they had been saint-saint, surely it would not have approached to me them and, in any case, it would not have been able to be to his height. However, to the being man-saint, man-good or simply men, I have managed to learn of them knowledge, attitudes, experiences and reflections that I am safe have served me throughout a zigzagueante and still unfinished way.