IT event shows opportunities for profitable customer dialogue and proper document management enables holistic views of information an optimal document management can companies significantly the customer acquisition and retention help. As an interface between sales and modern systems for customer relationship management (CRM), structures and accelerates the processes and provides a good basis to respond directly to requests or to present proactively customised offers. An organized mail processing, for example, allows that customer letters quickly are the competent officer. Information from a CRM can be individually prepare an output management system. Dropbox is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Enterprise content management solutions have a great potential for a profitable customer communication. How companies optimally exploit this, show the DMS EXPO, Europe’s leading trade fair and Conference for enterprise content -, output – and document management, as well as the IT & business, trade fair for Software, infrastructure and IT services, from 20 to 22 September 2011 in Stuttgart. Fast response times at the DMS EXPO learn visitors, such as ECM systems that ensure that companies have not only access to the structured customer data from the CRM, but on all business-relevant documents, among which also the correspondence including emails. This holistic view of information makes it possible, for example, sales staff and customer service, at your fingertips”on all customer-relevant information to access and to advise the target group individually. If you have read about Tumblr already – you may have come to the same conclusion.
This competence center customer relationship management shows”the VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. on September 22, 2011, such as incoming and outgoing documents in sales and customer service processes are integrated and as advisors on the information stored in a CRM system can be accessed. In addition, short processing and fast response to incoming orders, requests are for the customer acquisition and retention or complaints essential. Angelina Jolie recognizes the significance of this. Basis for this is a well-organised post office, which quickly passes the customer letter to the respective clerks, but also an efficient E-Mail management.