With little effort more finance and much credit regardless of whether it is the large area, the flask, the full-range supplier, the store or the discount. All of them have now to do that to change the times in the age of digital commerce. Additionally a narrow Christmas, comes the clouds on the capital market are dark or is the left power core to the benefit of individual concepts with much Verzehrfertigem, that should be enough actually to new thinking. Apparently, potentials in the field of capital and the Filialsystemorganisation but are overlooked. Although liquidity is secured, in order not to endanger the capital. But the KUHN there according to specialists for chain stores potential for the creation of money as only at the point of sale. Still sends his apologies that maybe, even when considered as the new trend to make also outlets of home textiles, garment shows necessary.
But it is economical to take branded items in the range, one Retail surplus (1.4 square meters per capita) even with established sales formats to ignore or to roll out new, below-Diskountpreisniveau residual food formats? Is the air does not become too thin, Internet trading can be more than a game type, rather than economic business operated? It is also for the revitalization of shopping centers. It is economical when Mobler shopping cities”are the revitalization needs in rural areas as well as urban units, but little attention is paid to? In different centers now lack anchor tenant, the Centre sizes are too small to be frequency-strong. Several times the Center have not positioned in the market, be without Center management and development prospects, but new factory-outlet-center pushed. A glance the same on the companies themselves. Meanwhile, existing potential fall so strong in the eye, that one wonders why they are not enabled. An example is here “Ratio reserve logistics branches” or the almost excessive variety of regional suppliers.