GmbH Mandy Koebnik

New online presentation tool ‘ event manager meetyoo Berlin, 05.07.2011 more and more companies rely on event conferences to inform several hundred participants at the same time by phone. It remains at the hearing, the conferencing provider has developed the event manager meetyoo conferencing. Thus, companies can suggest parallel to the Conference also presentations over the Internet. Companies need to communicate, because customers, staff, press and investors alike want to be kept informed about the latest developments. To achieve all at the same time, companies rely more on event conferences, so phone conferences for 20 up to several hundred participants. Participants in the Conference must no longer be on-site, but can participate in the Conference live via their phone. This information best when the participants arrive if it conveys not only verbally, but also appear. At this point begins the new event manager meetyoo: he offers the possibility of, a Online presentation in the event Conference to integrate and visualize content.

Just comprehensive information can be prepared to understand and better understood by the participants. Talk continues over the phone, but shown is parallel over the Internet. All Conference participants can also use the event Manager are overlooking and controlled: the conference leader can look at the overview of the participants and print on-demand, or export as Excel file. For the usual question and answer session after the presentation, the conference leader has the ability to sort the questioner, to allow or block. So, the question and answer session is specifically controlled and structured demand. With the possibility to the participants control and online presentation, the new event Manager from meetyoo offers its users two important functions in one tool. Learn more about the product at: eventkonferenz /… Meetyoo conferencing with meetyoo is German premium supplier for the global circuit of business phone and event conferences.