Math Study Tips

The level of mathematical knowledge that a student receives, directly depends on the skill of the teacher. Professional teacher, who is also very actively studying math, it is easy to find a common language with the pupil. Study the subject will turn into an interesting process where both parties are actively involved. Of course, the student with the teacher need fear no exams – and it is easy to pass the cse in mathematics, and centralized testing. But what if your high school teacher has been very weak? There is a way: You can organize extra classes, you can invite a tutor. But to such additional steps have brought maximum benefit, remember the simple rules described in this article. Errors – this normalnoIzbegayte overly harsh penalties for a wrong decision. Otherwise the student will be unable to perform even the simplest task for fear of making a mistake.

In such situations, children tend to "hack" stuff – sometimes literally, as it is written in a textbook. " The quality of knowledge in this case is substantially reduced, the new material poorly understood and, therefore, further study of mathematics is difficult. Focus on the achievements of the child, rather than its problems. Let the right decision task will be an occasion for joy. A complexity – it's one more reason to act, an occasion to try to find a solution. Encourage the "how" and "Why?" Always have a situation where the teacher after explaining the new material asks the question: "You all right? Any questions? "Usually in response to the class is silent.