As much in the state abrangncia how much municipal, the sprouting of public politics of solidary economy in Brazil, has been increasing, considered recent process in the public agenda of the country. The first public politics of solidary economy retrace to years 1990, when state and municipal governments had started to create structures and to develop programs and action with sights to support and to foment economic alternatives under gide of collective and democratic management (SINGER, 2004 practical; VASCONCELOS, 2007). In the state scope, Alves (2006) and Icaza (2006) they observe as precursory the government of the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul in the period of 1999 the 2002, through the Program of Popular and Solidary Economy tied with the Secretariat of Development and International Subjects, whose performance was on to the promotion of the associative economic organization, mainly, of the groups of low income (VASCONCELOS, 2007). Particularly, the pioneering municipality of public politics of solidary economy, detaches Alves (2006), was the City hall of Porto Alegre (RS), initiate in the decade of 1990, that it finished generating a set of politics that served of example for other cities as: Recife (FOOT), Belm (Par), Chapec (SC), Belo Horizonte (MG), So Paulo (SP) and Osasco (SP) (POCHMANN, 2004; SENAES, NET OF MANAGERS, CENTER OF STUDIES, 2008). It becomes appreciable in this description to stand out, that the problem of the unemployment and the social exclusion was considered factor that contributed of special form for the implementation of the politics public of solidary economy in these localities. Before this scene of experiences of state governments and municipal detainers of public politics of solidary economy in Brazil, fit, in this quarrel, to evidence the Net of Managers of Public Politics of Solidary Economy. Non-profit organization, the Net of Managers of Public Politics of Solidary Economy, is a composed articuladora Net of managers and managers of politics of solidary economy of city halls and state governments.