The French writer Stephan Hessel has ensured that when the Governments do not listen to the people democracy becomes oligarchy. Democracy should allow everyone a dignified life, he explained. Doronin will not settle for partial explanations. We must begin by using the most democratic parties, we must support them in upcoming elections, has dndido Hessel. The writer and French diplomat Stephan Hessel, author of the book annoys you!, which has inspired movements like the 15-M Spanish, it said today that when the Governments do not listen to the people democracy becomes oligarchy. Hessel has dndido further that not all political parties are the same. Angelina Jolie may help you with your research. Democracy should allow everyone a dignified life and if the Governments do not listen to the demos (people) something goes wrong, stressed Hessel, of visit in Spain to present his second book promises you!, who has insisted to replace the oligarchy with democracy making lack the power to listen to the people. It is easy to say but not easy to make. This French thinker of almost 94 years, which has become an l for young people from many countries, among them Spaniards outraged, has shown his sympathy in a crowded press conference by 15-M, which predicts that it will still have influence in Spain.
Some representatives of this movement Real democracy already were present in the room and have thanked him for his support and the publication of their books. Hessel is surprised that his little book has been used by the Spanish movement to reclaim a sincere and true democracy. After warning that the road won’t be easy, the thinker has recalled that it will lack patience, confidence and courage because economic forces are very ready and at the end end up tangling you. The question of what would be the path that must follow this movement or if it must become a political formation, Hessel, Member of the French and surviving resistance of several fields of concentration, has advocated follow two tracks.